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Petland Norwin, PA
July 12, 2023
Are you looking for a puppy? Trying to decide which is the right breed for you can be challenging. There are several things to consider before making a final selection. How big will the puppy get? How much daily care will this breed require? Is the breed of dog kid friendly? Or how well does the breed train? Some dog breeds tend to pickup on training much easier than others. Some actually thrive off of the interaction during training where other breeds may be a tad more stubborn. In either instance, training for puppies is crucial because as the saying goes, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Training a dog while he is still a puppy allows for an easier transition into his adulthood. It also prevents your pup from having to break old habits which can be tricky to overcome.
When a dog is still a puppy their minds are quickly developing which is the best time to teach them the rights and wrongs and rules of the house. If you are looking for a puppy that trains with ease, check out our list below, as we have compiled a list of puppies that you may want to consider.
Labradors are amazing dogs for dozens of reasons. Training with ease is one of them. The Labrador Retriever is a very social and interactive pup that is certainly mom approved! This breed is friendly and outgoing and enjoys the attention of his family. They are known to not only learn the basics well, but are capable and willing to learn some pretty nifty dog tricks. This breed of dog has been a favorite for generations and makes one of the best family dogs in town!
Next on our list is the Poodle. These pups are highly intelligent and obedient dogs who year after year rank number one in smarts. They are highly interactive and thrive off of one-on-one attention with their family. They are known to train well and are capable of learning a large variety of tricks. They also make terrific family pets that come in three sizes.
The Border Collie is considered to be a very intelligent and outgoing breed of dog. This breed is known for its ability to train quickly and with ease. They have a lot of energy which allows them to stay alert long enough to learn a variety of tricks too! If you are looking for a quality pup that will win your heart, the Border Collie should be one to consider.
If a smart, affectionate and loyal dog is what you are looking for that is easy to train, consider a Miniature Schnauzer. This breed of dog has been a family favorite for generations and may be just what you are looking for. They do well in contemporary homes or apartments and enjoy human interaction. Being that they are smart and pose a degree of confidence, training them is generally fairly simple.
German Shepherds are ready to work and very eager to please. They are a very smart breed of dog who train with ease. Because the German Shepherd trains so well, they have been used for a variety of things over the years. From law enforcement jobs, to military jobs, to service dogs, this breed can do almost anything. They are also very loyal to their family and happy when you are.
The Bearded Collie has traditionally been used for herding cattle and sheep in the Highlands of Scotland. This breed of dog is very responsive, alert, and smart. Their success at herding is much thanks to their ability to train well. Their personality and mentality allow them to also be very good family pets. If a loving, smart, and easily trainable pup is what you seek, the Bearded Collie should be on your list of considerations.